Evening of traditional songs

(songs to answer to capella): Saturday, February 23rd at Le Chenail Cultural Center in Hawkesbury at the bridge entrance between Hawkesbury and Grenville. The evening begins at 19 hours. Bar service and some snacks available. Come and push some of us with us or simply...

Si on chantait ensemble…

SI ON CHANTAIT ENSEMBLE … with Brian St-Pierre, Jonathan Roy and a host of artists, in favor of a pastoral work of the region! The 101 Parent Youth Center in Ottawa has long been a staple of francophone youth ministry. Are your friends, children, grandchildren...


Esprit-Jeunesse is organizing a gathering of young people between the ages of 14 and 25, with the theme “And what’s next? From February 8 to 10 at the Love Center in Plantagenet. Come pray, deepen your faith and have fun with a dynamic gang. Discount of $...

2019 Lottery

We sold 315 tickets. Thank you to everyone who bought one and 2 tickets. Thank you to all the volunteers for this great job. The first draw took place on January 6th. Winners: $ 500 Constance Diotte and Huguette Cheff. $ 100: Roselyne Mulder, Anne Boucher, Monika...

Religious freedom in the world

In its 2018 Report on Religious Freedom Worldwide, Aid to the Church in Need (AED) estimates that the threats to the state of religious freedom from states are increasing. Thirty-eight countries around the world are blatantly or organizationally violating freedom of...