by Paroisse St-Mathieu | May 17, 2019 | Announcements
(University of Virginia, USA) at Saint-François d’Assise Church (Ottawa) on Sunday, May 26 at 4:30 pm followed by their participation in the 5 pm mass that will follow the concert. The University Singers, a 75-voice American choir directed by Michael Slon, will...
by Paroisse St-Mathieu | May 17, 2019 | Announcements
Saturday, May 25 at 5 pm at the St Mathieu School Gymnasium. Beer and wine bar, hot and cold buffet: adult $ 25, children 5 to 12 years: $ 5, under 5 years – free. Infos: Maurice Gendron: 613-266-4199
by Paroisse St-Mathieu | May 15, 2019 | Announcements
Sacred Heart of Bourget May 25 from 8 am to 14 h. To reserve a space for $ 20 call: Odette 613-487-2531. Profits will go to the parish.
by Paroisse St-Mathieu | May 2, 2019 | Announcements
Saturday, June 15 2019 Activities will start at 8am and continue until late evening This family event is a celebration of our incredible community of Hammond-Cheney and all the residents who live here. Everyone – big and small are encouraged to come and participate in...
by Paroisse St-Mathieu | May 2, 2019 | Announcements
Trip to the Thousand Islands on 26-27-28 and 29 August. Several planned activities: Visiting Meals at Kingston Penitentiary, Casino, Thousand Islands Cruise and many others. Infos: Desneiges 613 487-2443
by Paroisse St-Mathieu | Apr 12, 2019 | Announcements
On April 28, at St Félicité Church of Clarence Creek, starting at 2:00 pm, ending at 3:30 pm. There will be preaching, musical entertainment, testimony, rosary, individual confessions (3 priests are expected) and Eucharistic celebration. Welcome to all!