Dear parishioners,

Since the closing of the churches because of the Coronavirus, we have had to use technology so that we can continue to celebrate in community. To stay connected with the parishioners and with the approval of Father Joseph, we therefore started broadcasting 2 masses per week, live with the Zoom software. The celebrations take place on Tuesday evening at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 10 a.m. I invite you to download the Zoom program (it’s free); once done, send your email address and telephone number to St-Mathieu parish: ( [email protected] ); this will allow us to invite you to the celebration. Thirty minutes before each celebration, I will send you an email inviting you to attend. If you need help, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Gilles Marcil and Denise Besserer

The bulletin will not be printed in parishes, you can find it on Facebook sites and also on the websites of your parishes. Let us follow the instructions indicated by our governors. Let us pray for them so that they can guide us in this ordeal.